Programme Overview

Target Group

In general, students (clients) will be men and women aged 18 upwards, who are really looking for a positive alternative to their life-controlling/addiction issues, and/or codependency. (We work with people recovering from addictions/compulsions regarding: alcohol, drugs, work, gambling, cleaning, codependency, sex, pornography, [and various other sexual addictions,] relationships, nicotine, food, and more.)


FreedomLife Te Nikau works with addictions in general. Nicotine (smoking) addiction is one of those, so those applying for entry to Te Nikau need to be aware that Te Nikau is a no-smoking programme. This applies to students at all times, on or off the property. There are many associations between smoking and other addictive behaviours. Research indicates that when a person deals with nicotine addiction concurrently with other addictions, that overall success in dealing with addictions is raised.


For those entering the programme with alcohol or drug dependencies, they must not have used alcohol or drugs for a minimum of 3 days prior to arrival. If necessary they will have completed medical detoxification. Those entering programme for other compulsive/addictive behaviours must also not have used alcohol or drugs in the 3 days prior to arrival.

Prescribed Medication

Some students will enter programme already using prescribed medication. However, medication and its reasons for use must be discussed with interviewing staff before a decision is made regarding acceptance onto the programme.

Programme Framework

Recovery is achieved through the provision of a safe, secure, caring community environment where the individual is readily accepted, and can feel safe enough to address his/her life issues. To enable students to achieve the level of change necessary to live a new constructive lifestyle, we operate within firm boundaries. The emotional security of a clear framework of rules (a list of our House Rules will be sent with our application pack), a caring environment, and competent staff, frees the student to focus attention on life changes.

Number of Students

Currently Te Nikau will accept up to a maximum of 12 students.

Length of Programme

The Te Nikau programme is for a minimum of 6 months.The first 2 – 3 weeks is a settling in period that allows the students' ongoing motivation to be ascertained, and for the student to decide whether Te Nikau is where he/she wants to continue their recovery. Following this initial phase, students reside at Te Nikau until the reasons behind addictions have been addressed, and a new foundation for living has been established. This will generally be between 6 to 12 months, although this can be extended to 18 months if needed. (The average length of stay for past programme graduates has been 7 – 9 months.) The final 5 or so weeks of programme is spent doing voluntary work outside Te Nikau as part of re-integration into the community.

After Programme

"Stepping-stone" accommodation at Te Nikau may (room permitting) be available for programme graduates to have a safe and semi-structured place to stay for a time before moving into their own accommodation. Completing a residential recovery programme allows the past to be dealt with, and a new foundation to be laid. The student has to put into daily practice the things they have learnt and the changes that have happened. It is strongly recommended that ongoing support and counsel are continued for as long as needed after the programme. Follow-up, referral, or counselling and support at Te Nikau are available.

Entry Information


Te Nikau accepts referrals from throughout New Zealand, from all agencies, organisations, churches, and individuals, (including self-referrals). Every referral will be considered according to each persons' circumstances, but applicants should:

  • Be personally motivated to deal with their addiction(s)
  • Be willing to change
  • Be open-minded towards Te Nikau's style of programme

In general, students (clients) will be men and women aged 18 upwards, who are really looking for a positive alternative to their life-controlling/addiction issues and/or codependency.

(We work with people recovering from addictions/compulsions regarding: alcohol, drugs, work, gambling, cleaning, codependency, sex, pornography, [and various other sexual addictions,] relationships, nicotine, food, and more.)

Please Note

Te Nikau is unable to accept the following:

  • Anyone committed under the Alcohol and Drug Addiction Act
  • Anyone on Parole, or Court ordered
  • Anyone with a current diagnosis of schizophrenia, or  psychosis
  • Anyone who has convictions for arson, or paedophilia
  • Anyone currently on an opioid substitute (eg methadone, suboxone etc)

Entry Procedure

We prefer a personal approach by phone, email or writing. (An agency, organisation, or individual may make initial contact with us on behalf of a prospective student.) After initial contact we will send out an information booklet, and application form:

  • An interview will be arranged at Te Nikau (or by phone, if the applicant is out of the region and unable to visit)
  • Once the application form is received at Te Nikau we will send two referee forms and a Doctor's (G.P.) form (which includes a blood test) to be completed and returned
  • If any other information is needed (e.g. from other medical or addiction agencies, Police record, etc.) it will be requested at this point
  • When all forms, information and blood tests are received, a decision will be made regarding entry, or referral elsewhere
  • If accepted, new students who have been using alcohol and/or drugs need to be a minimum of 3 days clean from alcohol and/or drugs and if necessary have gone through a medical detoxification

Please Note

Most students (clients) are eligible for a WINZ Sickness Benefit. Most of that goes to Te Nikau towards programme costs. A weekly allowance for toiletries, Doctors' visits, etc. comes out of the benefit. The amount of allowance available will depend on what debts, child support, etc. each individual has. Te Nikau does not receive District Health Board funding, so is able to take students from all regions of New Zealand. Private payment may be negotiated by anyone not eligible for a WINZ benefit.We look forward to hearing from you.

To Apply

Contact us on 04 902 5828 or use the contact form here


General Conditions of Residence

You are willing to voluntarily stop using illegal drugs, alcohol, tobacco, and/or other addictive/compulsive behaviours, and to recognise that your participation in all aspects of the Te Nikau programme is essential if you are to recover from your life-controlling issues and move on with life.

Whether or not alcohol or drugs are an addiction for you personally, all students must not have used alcohol or drugs for a minimum of 3 days prior to arrival on programme. You will have got past any major withdrawal symptoms. (If you need medical help to be detoxed from alcohol or drugs, this needs to have been organised and completed before arrival.)

You will make a positive contribution to the domestic life of the house and you will take care of your own personal space, keeping it clean and tidy.

House Rules

Everyone who comes to Te Nikau can expect to find a safe, structured, and supportive environment where people help each other. There is a set of common standards and rules to ensure there is harmony in this, our home.

The house rules are an essential part of the regeneration programme, designed to enable you to concentrate on your recovery with a minimum of distractions. They are necessary in a community to establish an emotionally secure environment and maintain good relationships, mutual respect, and care. They are also helpful in making a complete break from your past, and in entering into a period of change, where love and discipline replace negative values and a chaotic lifestyle.

Your programme contract will include the House Rules, and any conditions appropriate to you individually.

Daily Routine

Monday to Friday

  • 7:30am : Out of Bed
  • 7:45am - 8:15am : Breakfast
  • 8:30am - 9:30am : Morning Group
    (readings, prayers, notices etc)
  • 9:30am - 10am : Household Chores
  • 10am : Break
  • 10:15am - 11:15am : Teaching
    discussion, or video teaching group
  • 11:15am : Break
  • 11:35am - 12:30pm : Teaching
    discussion or video teaching group
  • 12:30 : Lunch
  • 1:30pm - 3:15pm : Work, maintenance, gardening etc
  • 3:15pm : Break
  • 3:30pm - 4:pm : Personal study
  • 4pm : Break
  • 5:30pm : Dinner
  • 10:30pm : To be in accomodation units


  • 10am : Morning Group
  • 11am - 12:30pm : Work
  • 1:30pm - 5:00pm : Free Time
  • 7:30pm - Evening Group


  • 9:00am : Church
  • 1:30pm - 5:00pm : Free Time
    Visitors or Leave
  • Evening : Free Time